Forschungsschwerpunkte (under construction)

Eco-translation in the study of particular linguistic and cultural translation strategies that "knowingly engage with the challenges of human-induced environmental change" (Cronin 2017:2)

How is translation relevant to the transformation of society towards a better relationship with our planet? Does it matter which terminology we use (climate change or climate crisis)?, which metaphors and images? (Drowing Islands in the South Pacific or Disappearing Islands in Friesland?) Does the translation of certain works help to draw awareness to our current situation (Walden by Henry David Thoreau or Das Lied des Waldes by Klara Jahn)? Does it matter which memory and information databases we use (the human brain, books, the library database, google scholar)?

Recent Publications / Conference Activities

Kölling, Angela. "Translations for Climate - eine Perspektive aus den Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaften" (29. Jan 2024) Voices for Climate: Die Vorlesung über die Klimakrise

Kölling, Angela. “Eco-Translation and Loss: Indigenous Knowledge in German Translation” KäTu2023 Translation/Interpreting and Sustainability, University of Turku, 13.-15. April 2023.

Kölling, Angela and Melina Lieb. “Teaching eco-translation: Reclaiming the climate crisis discourse in the time of coronavirus.” English Text Construction, vol. 15, no. 2, Dec 2022, doi: 10.1075/etc.00056.kol


Does culture matter in technological, scientific, legal or other "non-art" areas of translation? Are cultural theories a good tool to understand and navigate the decision-making processes that lead to the selection, editing and translation of a text - or to being employed as a translator?

Recent publications / Conference activities

Kölling, Angela and Susan Ingram. “Translating Haka into German Popular Culture”,  Panel 1: “(Mis)Placing the Popular: Translation, Appropriation, and Globalization” , 8th annual conference of the Kulturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (KWG): “Populäre Kulturen / Popular Cultures”, Saarland University, 27.-30. September 2023.

Kölling, Angela. The Whale Rider – Translating Indigenous Literature from Aotearoa New Zealand (Ein Gespräch mit Sabine Schulte) Germersheimer Übersetzerbühne, June 2023.

Kölling, Angela. “Introduction: Visibility and Translation.” Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies. vol. 11, no. 3, Dec. 2020, doi: 10.17742/IMAGE.VT.11.3.1.

Kölling, Angela. “Multi-modal Tasks for the Translator: a Conversation with the Artwork of Cia Rinne.” Imaginations: Journal of Cross-Cultural Image Studies. vol. 11, no. 3, Dec. 2020, doi: 10.17742/IMAGE.VT.11.3.9.

Kölling, Angela. “In and Out of Sight.” Translators, Visibility and the Networks of the Literary Translation Field: The Case of the Literary Translation Prize at the Leipzig Book Fair.” Transfer: e-journal for Translation and Intercultural Studies, Revistes Cientifiques de la Universitat de Barcelona (RCUB), Ed. Assumpta Camps, Reception date: 02/02/2018; Acceptance date: 15/03/2018. Publication Spring 2019.

Indigenous knowledges are travelling across the geographical, temporal and cultural borders drawn by colonial and post-colonial structures of power. This travelling needs to be explored from the place of the in-between: a space filled with arbitrary checkpoints, contested solidarities, undemanding betrayal, obscure intimacy and other spacio-temporal specters.

Recent publications / Conference activities

Kölling, Angela. "Branding Realpolitik - a discussion of vanguard politics and Frank Schatzing's non-fiction eco-thriller Was wenn wir einfach die Welt retten?" Drain Magazine, 2023.

Kölling, Angela. “‘Der Traum’ by Witi Ihimaera: Setting Multilateral Frames for Translating Indigenous Writing from Aotearoa New Zealand”, NZSA annual conference: “Between Nations/Across Seas: The Transnational and Transcultural Pacific”, University of Stockholm and University of Turku, 26.-30. June 2023.

Kölling, Angela. “Uneasy linkages: German anti-Covid19 measures protesters performing the Maori Haka”, GAPS annual conference: “Contested Solidarities: Agency and Victimhood in Anglophone Literatures and Cultures”, Goethe University Frankfurt, 26.-29. May 2022.

Kölling, Angela. “From Samoa to Terra A: Navigating Academic Fractures.” Shifting Grounds: Cultural Tectonics Along the Pacific Rim. Eds. Brigitte Glaser and Jutta Ernst, Reihe Anglistische Forschung, Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter. 2020.

Creative Nonfiction is fact-based writing that addresses important sociopolitical topics in ways that make them more accessible without being dimished in their complexity or literary value. New Journalism is a particular brand of creative nonfiction in that it often additionally raises questions about systemic and structural bias within the news industry.

A current example of this in the German context is Sara Schurmann´s Klartext Klima! in which the author addresses shortcomings of contemporary journalism with respect to communicating the climate crisis through the lens of her personal experience of being a journalist.

Research questions in this area are, can good storytelling achieve better socio-political onboarding? If so how? Is storytelling a scientific method we should take more seriously? If so why?

Kölling, Angela. “From ‘Talking Heads’ to World Makers: a Discussion of Vanguard Politics and Frank Schätzing’s Non-fiction Eco-thriller Was, wenn wir einfach die Welt retten?DrainMag, vol. 20, no. 2, 2023, doi: forthcoming [ISSN 2469/3022;]

Kölling, Angela. “Popular Fiction as Alter/Narrative Infrastructures: Lauren Wilkinson’s American Spy (2019), Katie Kitamura’s Intimacies (2021), and Sia Figiel’s Freelove (2016)”, GAPS annual conference: “Postcolonial Infrastructure”, University of Konstanz, 18. - 20. May 2023.

Kölling, Angela. “Johanna Frid’s Nora eller Brinn Oslo Brinn (2019): Visibility, Autofiction, Endometriosis”, World Literature And The Minor: Figuration, Circulation, Translation, University of Leuven, 6. - 7. May 2021.


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